Why some students turn to cheating in exams, how we can be their academic allies?

Why some students turn to cheating in exams, how we can be their academic allies?

Psychological factors can influence students towards cheating

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Reasons for Cheating
  3. Exploring Methods of Cheating
  4. How to Be Their Academic Allies-Solutions
  5. Conclusion


Picture yourself in a situation where you have an exam coming up, but you feel unprepared and anxious. You notice that your classmate has the answers written on his hand. You wonder if you should copy from him, thinking it might save you from failing. But before you make that decision, you should think about the consequences. Cheating in exams is not only dishonest, but also harmful. It can affect your academic performance, integrity, and future opportunities. In this essay, we will explore why some students cheat in exams, and how we can support them in a more positive and productive way.
Cheating in exams means using unfair methods to get a better score or avoid failure. Some examples of cheating are copying from others, using forbidden materials, or pretending to be someone else. Cheating can have serious consequences, such as getting a zero grade, failing the course, or being suspended or expelled from school. Cheating can also damage your reputation and credibility, and prevent you from learning and developing your skills.

Reasons for cheating

There are some psychological factors that can influence students to cheat in exams, such as:

Reasons for the cheating


Students may feel pressure from themselves, their parents, their peers, or their society to achieve high grades or meet certain expectations. This pressure can create fear of failure, stress, and anxiety, which can motivate students to cheat as a way to cope or escape.


Students may lack adequate preparation for the exams due to poor time management, personal issues, or busy schedules. This can make them feel unprepared, overwhelmed, or hopeless, which can lead them to cheat as a way to catch up or pass the course.


Students may face intense competition from other students for their grades, scholarships, or future opportunities. This can make them feel insecure, jealous, or ambitious, which can drive them to cheat as a way to outperform or impress others.


Students may struggle to connect with the exam material due to difficulty understanding, lack of interest, or irrelevance to their goals. This can make them feel bored, frustrated, or indifferent, which can tempt them to cheat as a way to avoid or shortcut the learning process.


Students may have low self-esteem or a narcissistic view of themselves. They may cheat to boost their ego, seek attention, or validate themselves. They may also cheat to avoid feeling inferior, ashamed, or guilty.


Students may cheat because of the circumstances they face, such as a difficult exam, a tempting opportunity, or a lack of supervision. They may rationalize their cheating as a one-time thing, a necessary evil, or a harmless act.

Methods of cheating

Sometimes students try to bend the rules during exams. It's important to be aware of these methods so administration can prevent and address any dishonesty.
Here are some common ways it can happen:

Cheating methods

  • Looking at Others' Work

This is when a student tries to get a look at a classmate's paper for answers.

  • Sharing Answers

Some students might pass answers to each other during the exam.

  • Using Unauthorized Materials

Students may try to bring in little notes or cheat sheets with information they're not supposed to have.

  • Using Gadgets

Some might use smartphones, smartwatches, or other devices to access info or communicate during the exam.

  • Copying from Other Sources

This is when a student copies info from textbooks, articles, or the internet without giving credit.

  • Using Someone Else's Work

Submitting work or answers created by someone else, like buying an essay or using another student's work.

  • Getting Someone Else to Take the Exam

Some students may arrange for another person to take the exam for them.

  • Taking Exam Materials

This involves getting hold of the exam questions before the actual test, often through theft or hacking.

  • Altering Responses

Some students might change their answers after the papers have been graded but before they're returned to them.

  • Using Unauthorized Aids

This happens when students use calculators or reference materials when they're not supposed to.

  • Working Together When Not Allowed

This is when students collaborate with each other when the exam is meant to be taken individually.

  • Creating False Data

In subjects that involve analyzing data, some students might make up data or results to support their answers.

  • Cheating During Online Exams

Students may turn to the internet to look up answers during online exams.

  • Having Help Off-Camera

In remote exams, some students might have friends or experts off-camera to provide answers. 

Solution to overcome problem

It's very crucial for schools to have clear policies and measures in place to prevent and detect these types of cheating methods. Plus, teaching students about the value of honest learning goes a long way in reducing cheating during exams.
Here are three best ways we can help students stay on the right path:

Solution of the problem

Promoting Honesty and Integrity

Students should understand why it's crucial to be honest in their studies. It's not just about passing a test; it's about learning and growing as a person. Teachers can create an environment that encourages good behavior and set a positive example. Schools can also make sure their rules about cheating are crystal clear and consistently enforced.

Providing Support

Students need a support system to help them through tough times. That support system can include teachers, friends, or family members. Offering extra help, like tutoring or counseling, can make a big difference. And teachers should always be approachable and ready to help when students are struggling.

Focusing on Learning

Education should be about understanding and applying what we learn, not just getting good grades. Teachers can make lessons engaging and relevant. This helps students develop skills that go beyond memorizing facts. Schools can also use a variety of ways to assess students, not just big, stressful exams. The key point here is that it's not just up to the students. Teachers and schools play a big role in creating an environment that encourages learning, growth, and honesty. When we all work together, we can make a positive change. So, let's support our students and help them choose the path of learning and integrity.


Let’s end with this, knowing why students cheat is only the first step. We don’t want to blame them; we want to help them. How can we do that?
We can make a space where students feel safe to talk about their problems. Instead of punishing them, let’s give them what they need extra help, advice, friends to study with anything. We’re telling them, “It’s okay to have difficulties, and you’re not alone in this.”
We can also change our attitude from catching cheaters to helping learners. We can praise their small achievements, and encourage them to learn from their mistakes. This is not just about stopping cheating; it’s about changing how we learn.
So, let’s be there for students as guides and friends, showing them that success is not about being perfect, but about being resilient and working together. By changing this story, we’re not just preventing cheating; we’re creating a community that loves learning, supports each other, and is committed to honesty. Together, we can make education a journey of growth and authenticity.

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