I beat the World Champion in My Dream, so I decided to become a wrestler

I beat the World Champion in my dream, so I decided to become a wrestler

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I beat the World champion in my dream so I decided to become a wrestler All this was said by Badshah Khan, a trained and aspiring WWE wrestler. Famous wrestler Badshah Khan talked about himself and that I had to convince Baba with difficulty and get admission in a wrestling academy but how could a poor boy like me bring one lakh rupees every month? Then one day I slept in the hostel thinking that I would go back home tomorrow but, in the night, I dreamed that I had beaten the world champion Roman Reigns in a world match. This was a hint from above. I also decided that now I will definitely reach WWE.

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Badshah Khan

It is the dream of 21-year-old Arif Saleem from the Rambin district of Kashmir. He has been training for WWE for the past three years at a private academy of a world wrestler in Jalandhar, Indian Punjab to become a world-class wrestler under the name "Badshah Khan". The academy runs the "Great Khali" who defeated a wrestler known as "The Undertaker" in a WWE or World Wrestling Entertainment match.

Training Center for WWE-style Wrestling

There was neither a trend nor a training center for WWE-style wrestling in Jammu and Kashmir, yet Arif Saleem was fond of it. Badshah Khan's father Muhammad Saleem is an inspector in India's paramilitary force CRPF. When Arif was in the fifth grade, I was posted in Srinagar. I also took the children thinking that their education would be well arranged. Then one day off I took Arif to my camp where there was a big TV in the hall. The same wrestling match was taking place on it. Arif watched all day and then at home, he started watching only this on TV.

Wrestling Academy

They say that Badshah Khan started stubbornly to become a wrestler in the 8th grade but somehow, he passed the 10th grade. I said, Son, this is not a game for us, it is a game for millionaires, but he had decided to become a wrestler. Badshah Khan says that his sage kept on delaying even when he passed 12th. Then they became helpless before my stubbornness and we found a wrestling academy in Jalandhar.

Food and other Expenses

The entrance fee of this academy is four lakh rupees, while the monthly expenditure of each under-trained boy is from 50 thousand to 1 lakh rupees on food and other expenses. Badshah Khan's father says, "What else does an employee like me have besides salary? He said that I told Arif to get admission in a good college, study, and become an officer or a doctor. But he said that what I want to spend on his education and training should be spent on wrestling coaching.

Great Khali

At the time of admission, Badshah Khan's father requested the director of the academy “Great Khali” to discount the fee, he said that there would be no discount, but seeing Badshah Khan's passion, he would take this fee in four installments. Badshah Khan says that I knew how my parents used to reduce other expenses and send money to me by adding every penny.

My Expenses Limited

Other guys there do not compromise, but I limited my expenses to 30 to 40 thousand. I lived in a room without AC in forty-degree heat for three years because the rent for an AC room was high. They say that I take very little diet and do not take supplements at all. My focus was on training and my destination was WWE.

Everything Changed When I returned Home

Wrestlers under training are not given leave during training and this is why Badshah Khan returned home after three years. When he reached home, his mother and sister were crying emotionally and his father was too far to see him. Badshah Khan says that when he returned after three years, he did not even recognize my town. The road was built, new shops and many new houses were built.

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Much Difficult to stay away from home

They say it hurts to be away from home, but I made a lot of sacrifices to get to WWE. It is very popular in Western countries. But for world competitions trials are held in all countries of the world and new wrestlers are selected from most of the countries. Then these wrestlers have to participate in international competitions. Badshah Khan says that the matches I have played in the academy have been well-appreciated. My style is different and facial expression is very important in this game. I have a lot of angry expressions on my face while playing.

Ancient Greece

About the selection, he says that he will be selected in WWE. When Badshah Khan was asked if this sport is dangerous, he said that it is similar to the way gladiators used to fight in ancient Greece and people enjoyed it. But the blood is not spoiled. However, if the player shows a little carelessness, he can get a serious injury. Badshah Khan says that this is why there is training on how to save the opponent's attack. And then there is danger in every game, but our aggressive style here makes the danger appear more.

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