Lovebird Farming is an Excellent Business

Lovebird Farming is an Excellent Business

Lovebirds are the Center of Attention because of Their Beauty 

Pakistan is an agricultural country, Allah Almighty has blessed it with four seasons as well as forest, plain, mountain and desert. Birds and animals are brought here from other parts of the country and then they are bred, this is also the occupation of some people and one such occupation which is growing well these days is low bird farming.

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Prominent than other Birds

Lovebirds as the name implies lovebirds, this name is due to some of their characteristics, because the parrots of this species form a bond of their own accord and the relationship between them lasts long even. Despite living in a flock, the love between their pairs does not decrease, their most beautiful habit, which is more prominent than other birds, is to sit together for a long time in the form of pairs, these parrots with their partner. They like to spend time sitting, their English name is Agapornis, they are from Africa, they have three main families.

Worldwide famous Birds

Within these three families there are about 100 subfamilies known as Mutations.These birds are known worldwide for their wide range and beautiful color combinations, as well as their beautiful voice and interesting affectionate behavior. They are becoming very popular, their breeding business is booming in Pakistan, currently a pair of love bird’s costs from 2 thousand to 4 million rupees.


Talking about food, this bird consumes 45 grams to 60 grams of food on a daily basis, naturally in the wild, these birds live by eating fruits, seeds, corn, figs, but their food in the cage is improved. It is made in which parrots are fed mixed seeds as well as different types of supplements and vitamins, for which they are given different types of vegetables, fruits and supplements etc. in different seasons. Fish cuttlebones are offered to provide calcium, and their food and water bowls should be earthenware or porcelain because lovebirds chew plastic dishes and this can be fatal. Drink a lot of water, so be sure to change your water bowls frequently throughout the day.


As far as the expenses of the lovebird are concerned, they are very low, it also requires very little living space, the size of its cage should be at least 2 feet wide, 2 feet high and 2 feet deep. Since this bird consumes 45 grams to 60 grams of food daily which includes different types of seeds which are available at around Rs. It comes, when it comes to other calcium and vitamins, it costs about 100 rupees per month, according to this calculation, the monthly expenditure of a pair is 700 rupees, which is very less compared to any bird.

Braiding Production

LoveBirds must be at least 8 months old for breeding or production, but for better and healthy production, the couple must be 12 months old. LoveBirds lay 3 to 8 eggs in a clutch (bar). Depending on age and health, it is considered essential to improve the age of the pair, while a lovebird pair in a season gives up to 4 clutches, which is much better than any other bird. It gives birth to 10 to 24 babies in one season.

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