Why Do We Laugh?

A good laugh is sunshine in the house. "William Thackeray"

Why Do We Laugh?

We laugh before we speak. There are many mysteries surrounding human laughter, but some scientific explanations may surprise you. No matter what region or culture a person belongs to, he always laughs. The expressions and methods of laughter may vary, but laughter is a human phenomenon and not only in humans, laughter is an instinctive element in monkeys as well.

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Laugh As Early Age

Humans begin to laugh as early as three months of age, long before speaking. At the "pee ka boo", i.e., suddenly showing your face in front of the child by covering it with both hands, all the children in the world laugh, even the deaf and dumb children react like normal children.

But the question is, why did nature give laughter to humans? Does it have anything to do with our existence and survival? What causes the sense of laughter?

Why Laugh?

Laughter is a social necessity. It is also a social signal from an individual to the person or persons in front of them that we can relate to. According to a scientific study on laughter, speakers laugh 40% more than listeners. According to research, when a person is in a group, he laughs 30% more than in normal situations. According to the same research, children between the ages of two and a half to four years laugh eight times more if they watch cartoons with another child.

Experts say that since humans survive by connecting to groups and society, laughter plays a key role in this entire human social behavior.

Evolutionary justification

From the perspective of evolutionary theory, laughter plays a key role in human survival. For example, to understand the intentions of a stranger when meeting him or to express happiness and gratitude for a person's support. In a scientific study, 966 people in 44 different societies heard the laughter of different couples. In some of these pairs, the two people laughing were close friends, while in others the two were complete strangers. People in the study were asked to listen to and imitate the laughter and rate the level of friendliness in the laughter.

As a social connection, laughter is a mating ritual, a way to bond Laughter energizes
the humdrum and adds levity to the everyday blah-blah-blah.

Difference Between Genuine Laughter

According to the results of this study, the people under study told the difference between genuine laughter, false laughter, friendly laughter, and fake laughter. Another theory is that laughter is also used as a sign of a step forward between two people. Apart from this, the expression of laughter has also existed as an expression to describe a person.

Evolutionary scientist

According to evolutionary scientists, in primates, when someone takes a unilateral step and does something generous, it is characterized by laughter. Thus, laughter has also been used as an expression to give credit to a generous person for spending their time and to encourage them by saying thank you.

Human Societies

According to experts, as human societies developed, people used laughter as a tool to connect with each other. Experts also say that humans use laughter as an expression of friendship and trust because it is not easy to 'fake', i.e., fake laughter can be easily caught.

The benefits of laughter

According to the Mayo Clinic of America, laughter has many medical benefits. Laughter and laughter increase the amount of oxygen in the body which causes flexibility in the heart, lungs, and muscles. Laughter also triggers endorphins in the body, which relieve stress and pain in the body.

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