Germany's Public Sector Workers Go on Strike

Several regional airports, kindergartens, and schools were closed on Wednesday ahead of a third round of wage talks.

Germany's Public Sector Workers Go on Strike, Impacting Hospitals and Schools

Teachers, police, and other civil servants in Germany went on strike on Wednesday to press for any compromise on their collective demands. Hospitals in several German provinces have announced a two-day strike on Thursday and Friday.

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Public Sector Workers Strikes in Germany

Hundreds of thousands of public sector workers across Germany went on strike on Wednesday, closing schools, daycare centers, and administrative offices in federal states such as Berlin, Bremen, and Hamburg. Trade unions say more than 10,000 civil servants took part in the strike in Berlin alone, with many marching to the city's famous Brandenburg Gate to demand better pay and better working conditions.

Provincial Administration Officials

The strike included teachers, daycare workers, policemen, firefighters, and provincial administration officials. Because they won't be able to continue living in the city where they work, it is evident that our coworkers have expectations," a representative for the trade union 'Vairdi' said in Berlin.

Three German Cities

Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen are three German cities, which are also federal states and commonly known as “city-states”. Two rounds of negotiations between public sector employees and representatives of the federal German states as employers have so far been completed on workers' demands, but no progress has been made.

Nationwide Negotiations

Andrea Kühnemann, Verdi's regional director for the states of Berlin and Brandenburg, said, "The federal states did not make any offers to the workers regarding their wages and working conditions during the two rounds of nationwide negotiations. It is tantamount to disrespecting public sector workers.”

German hospital workers strike

Hospital workers in the federal German states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Lower Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein announced on Wednesday that they would go on a two-day warning strike on Thursday and Friday. This move will affect government hospitals as well as special psychiatry wards as protests have been planned in almost every city on Thursday, November 23.

       Thousands of public sector employees took to the streets to call for better pay and working conditions.
 Image: Halil Sagirkaya/Anadolu/picture alliance        
German Federal States of Berlin, Bremen, and Hamburg

Trade unions representing employees in the German federal states of Berlin, Bremen, and Hamburg are demanding a 10.5 percent increase in workers' salaries, as well as a 300-euro city-state bonus per worker. The next round of negotiations regarding these demands will be held on December 7 and 8.

German Health Laws

Pharmacists in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg also took part in the strike and closed their work on Wednesday. However, they did not make any new collective demands for themselves, rather the strike was a protest against changes in German health laws. New healthcare laws will force drugmakers to make payments into workers' health insurance funds, threatening to cut into their business profits.

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