Healthy foods for students
Top Ten Healthy Food for Students |
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Healthy eatings improve our work performance, increases our energy, helps us lose weight, and reduces our risk of developing nearly every chronic disease affecting the people.Beyond our typical salt and pepper lies a wide variety of spices that we can use to bring the flavour of our dishes to a whole other level.The key to making full use of food labels is to first understand YOURSELF. Knowing where your body is at and what it needs is the first step towards determining if the information presented by the food label is relevant.
A healthy diet is integral part for good health and nutrition.It saves you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet.
Healthy students are active and good learners. Research shows that eating habits and healthy behaviors are connected to academic achievement. Student participation in the School Breakfast Program is associated with better grades and standardized test scores, reduced absences, and improved memory.A healthy diet is integral to good health, no matter what your age is.The general rule for a balanced diet is 50% fruits and vegetables, 25% whole-grain carbohydrates and 25% meat and others.
Here are the top ten healthy foods for students to include in their diet:
- Salmon
Food group: Protein/Meat
Salmon is definitely one of the healthiest meats – it contains lots of nutrients like B vitamins and magnesium, and it also helps with weight loss by promoting satiety. The nutrients mentioned are essential for maintaining healthy body functions, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which regulates blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart diseases. Plus, salmon is delicious and there are many healthy ways to cook the meat without using too much oil such as grilling, broiling, poaching or oven-roasting it.While this fishy friend of ours is definitely a great choice of meat because of its nutritional benefits, excess consumption of omega-3 fatty acids.Apart from the bone-boosting calcium, milk also contains a host of other important nutrients such as protein, phosphorus and vitamin B12. Certain brands of cow's milk is also fortified with additional vitamin D, and grass-fed, full-fat dairy sports vitamin K2. Milk's mainstream status means that practically anyone can enjoy its benefits: there's lactose-free variants for those who happen to be intolerant, and goat's milk is a popular alternative for individuals whose digestive system is sensitive to cow's milk.
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food contain vitamin and protien |
2. Milk
Food group: Protein/Dairy
Drink 8 to 12 cups of water daily.Growing up, practically of us have tasted milk at one point or another. Aside from the bone-boosting calcium, milk also contains a host of other important nutrients such as protein, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin B12. Certain brands of cow's milk is also fortified with additional vitamin D, and grass-fed, full-fat dairy sports vitamin K2. Milk's mainstream status means that practically anyone can enjoy its benefits: there's lactose-free variants for those who happen to be intolerant, and goat's milk is a popular alternative for individuals whose digestive system is sensitive to cow's milk.
3. Shellfish
Food group: Protein/Meat
Shellfish are rarely a common feature in our diets, but they should be. Food such as scallops, clams, mussels and oysters are excellent sources of vitamin B12 which helps to regulate red blood cell production. Do be careful when eating shellfish though – make sure the meat is well cooked because raw or undercooked shellfish can cause a vibriosis infection. Try to eat two to three serving of fish a week. A serving consists of 3 to 4 ounces of cooked fish. Good choices are salmon, trout, herring, bluefish, sardines and tuna.
4. Egg yolk
Food group: Protein
Eggs are common foods in most Singaporean diets, and they have good reason to be. Despite the health concerns raised about their high cholesterol content, eggs provide lots of healthy vitamins and minerals when consumed in moderate amounts. Furthermore, eggs are a huge source of protein and healthy fats. Where possible, opt for whole eggs as these are healthier and more nutritionally complete.Read more......
5. Kale
Food group: Vegetables
Kale is one of the best leafy green vegetables for our health as it is abundant in vitamins C, A, K1 and B6, as well as dietary fibre, minerals and anti-oxidants. Vitamin C is great for immune system health while vitamin A combats inflammation. Most leafy vegetables are already rich in these vitamins, but what makes kale more nutritious is the fact that it is great for bone health. The calcium in kale helps us to maintain strong bones while vitamin K1 prevents this calcium from being deposited in the arteries, hence allowing the minerals to be absorbed in a better.The different types of vegetables, according to this classification, are listed below.Flower vegetables - Leafy vegetables
- Root vegetables
- Tuber vegetables
- Fruit vegetables
- Bulb vegetables
- Stem vegetables
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food chart for students |
6. Seaweed
Food group: Vegetables
We all like our crispy seaweed snacks, but there’s more reason to indulge in seaweed than just the taste. Seaweed is a type of vegetable that grows in the ocean rather than on the land so it is able to absorb minerals from the seawater directly. This makes seaweed even richer in nutrients than farm vegetables, especially when it comes to minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and iodine. Iodine is essential for the healthy function of thyroid hormones which helps to manage growth, heal damaged cells and regulate our metabolism.
7. Garlic
Food group: Vegetables
Garlic is an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen because of its ability to spice up any dish, but this root vegetable also happens to be very good for health. Root vegetables are generally very nutrient-rich because they absorb minerals directly from the soil. Garlic happens to be a big source of vitamin C, B1 and B6 as well as other minerals. The sulphur in garlic also helps to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which makes it an important dietary component in the fight against heart disease. Besides being good for our physical health, garlic can do wonders for our mental health too. Garlic is known to have a calming effect because of its high concentration of stress-alleviating anti-oxidants.
vegetables contain calcium and iron |
8. Potatoes
Food group: Carbohydrates
Potatoes are a staple food in many European fares due to their filling nature. Apart from that, potatoes are also high in vitamin C, B vitamins and a wide variety of other minerals. Nevertheless, the way potatoes are cooked affects their health benefits. Potato chips and french fries are some of the best-loved snacks but they can be extremely unhealthy due to the high amounts of salt and oil used in their preparation. On the other hand, boiling or steaming your potatoes is one of the healthiest and simplest ways to cook them. Leaving them to cool after cooking allows them to form resistant starch, which makes them better for digestion and reduces their impact on your blood sugar levels.
9. Blueberries
Food group: Fruits
Almost all fruits are good for health in some way, but blueberries are especially high in nutrients. Blueberries are particularly great for boosting brain health – some scientific studies have found that blueberry improves memory! This blue wonder also fights obesity by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.Include two to four servings of fruit in your diet each day. Try to eat berries such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.
10. Dark chocolate
Food group: Others
Desserts tend to fare poorly in the health department, but dark chocolate is a notable exception. The cocoa in dark chocolate is full of health benefits, especially because of the high concentration of anti-oxidants which help to regulate blood flow and blood pressure – this gives dark chocolate the ability to fight heart disease. Dark chocolate is so good for our health that us can eat it every day. One small square of chocolate a day will boost your health significantly. When selecting our treat, look for one that contains a minimum of 70% coca solids to experience the legitimate benefits of dark chocolate.Read more..... summary
Consume a diet that consists mainly of plant foods (e.g., fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, soy). Choose whole foods and minimally processed foods often. Limit highly processed foods, which include sugary drinks, fast foods and deli meats.
Food is one of the basic necessities of life. Food contains nutrient substances essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues and for the regulation of vital processes. Nutrients provide the energy our bodies need to function.
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