Excessive consumption of salt is harmful to health

Excessive consumption of salt is harmful to health
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A recent study found that people who eat foods with very little salt can be protected from other serious diseases, including heart disease and stroke. Several studies in the past have shown that high salt intake can lead to high blood pressure and also causes diseases of the digestive system, including heart disease. In a recent study, experts examined millions of people, which showed that very low consumption of salt protects against diseases such as stroke, including heart disease. Researched 100,000 people, after asking questions and answers these volunteers from 2006 to 2010, they examined heart diseases in them.

Heart Disease

Experts asked volunteers questions about salt intake at the start of the study and then asked them about salt intake at follow-up. Later, experts conducted heart disease tests on all the volunteers, which showed that people who ate high-salt foods or those who ate foods with salt added separately had a lower risk of atrial fibrillation (AF).

Irregular Heartbeat

During the above-mentioned disease, the heartbeat becomes irregular and then its constant rapid beat can lead to other problems including stroke. According to experts, the chances of AF disease increase by 18% in people who eat salty foods or add salt to their food. According to experts, people who eat moderately salty foods or sometimes add salt to their food also have a 15% higher chance of developing AF. According to experts, atrial fibrillation usually leads to stroke where other heart problems can occur. Experts advise people to consume less salt and especially not to add salt separately to foods.

Epsom salt Use as Alternate salt

However, we can use Epsom salt as an alternative to normal salt, which protects us from these diseases as well as other diseases and also prevents salt deficiency in our body. Although Epsom salt has many benefits, it is used to treat many diseases, generally, people do not use Epsom salt. Epsom Salt Detox is a hot bath with Epsom salt that improves the body's natural detoxification process, reduces stress, and promotes health and well-being. Man feels light.

Components of Epsom Salt

However, two important components of Epsom salt are magnesium and sulfate. The combination of the two ingredients is believed to stimulate detoxification pathways. Magnesium is a natural substance that helps with a variety of bodily functions, including removing toxins from the body, while sulfate improves the digestive system strengthens the walls of the digestive tract, and facilitates the elimination of toxins. Epsom salt bath water softens rough, dry skin and removes dead skin cells. It can also soothe skin affected by skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.

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Psoriasis or eczema Skin disease

If a person has psoriasis or eczema on their skin, consult a doctor before using Epsom salt. Epsom salt baths can be used in certain diseases that cause swelling of parts of the body to bring them back to their original condition and also relieve pain Psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and gout are a few of these diseases. Reduces Pain Low levels of magnesium can reduce pain in people with arthritis. Epsom salt contains specific amounts of magnesium and helps to reduce swelling, stiffness, and pain, as well as rid the body of toxins that increase inflammation.

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