Miss World contest

Announcement of "Miss World" contest to be held in Occupied Kashmir

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The competition for the selection of the most beautiful woman in the world "Miss World" will be held in India this year, according to which it was announced that the final competition will be held in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Organizer of Miss World Julia Morley

According to the news agency France-Presse, the organizer of "Miss World" Julia Morley along with "Miss World 2022" Karolina Blawski, Miss India Sini Shetty, Miss World Caribbean Amy Pena, and Miss World England Jessica Gigan among others held a press conference in Srinagar. While saying that the 71st Miss World competition will be held in India.

Beauty and culture of Occupied Kashmir

Appreciating the beauty and culture of Occupied Kashmir, Julia Morley said that people from 140 countries of the world will see the paradise of the world. Other girls present in the press conference along with her also praised the beauty, hospitality, and culture of Occupied Kashmir and said that all of them and their families and friends are eager to come to Occupied Kashmir.

140 Countries Participants

The annual 'Miss World' pageant will run for a month from mid-November to mid-December. A total of 140 countries will participate in the 71st Miss World pageant in India and it is the first time since 1996 that the pageant is being held in India. Competitions will be held in various cities of India, including the capital Delhi, Mumbai, and other cities, while the final will be held in Srinagar, the capital of Occupied Kashmir.

Miss World

The other Muslim member countries of the Miss World pageant have not yet reacted to holding the Miss World pageant in Occupied Kashmir, but some countries are likely to register protests. Most of the Muslim countries support the people of Occupied Kashmir and they also accept Pakistan's position that India is occupying Kashmiris.

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Jammu and Kashmir valley

Many Muslim countries continue to raise their voices with Pakistan over the violation of human rights in Occupied Kashmir. It should also be remembered here that in May 2023, India also held a tourist conference of the heads of the 'Great Twenty' (G20) countries in Occupied Kashmir, and during that time, the Jammu and Kashmir valley was turned into a cantonment of the Indian Army.

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