5 crore mobile phones ready in Pakistan

5 crore mobile phones ready in Pakistan

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The Ministry of Information and Technology has claimed that the country-wide mobile phone manufacturing unit has produced 5 crore mobile phones so far. Interestingly, in April this year, the closure of almost all units was announced due to the exhaustion of raw materials and difficulties in importation.

Salaries in Advance

In April 2023, almost all 30 mobile phone assembly units laid off employees after paying them half of their April salaries in advance and telling them that they would be recalled as soon as production resumed.

Mobile Manufacturing

The closure of the mobile manufacturing units had put the jobs of around 20,000 employees at stake, but now the government has claimed that 5 crore mobiles have been manufactured at the local level. It was said that the country's 33 mobile unit manufacturers have produced a total of 5 crore mobiles. Also, it was claimed in the tweet that 40 thousand new jobs have been created by the production of mobile phones in the country.

Mobile Units

The report did not clarify how long the mobile units produced 5 crore mobile phones and from when to when, nor did it specify which mobile phones were locally manufactured. However, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) said in one of its tweets that Pakistan has sent 120 thousand mobile devices to foreign countries so far this year.

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Mobiles Exported

However, it was not clarified whether the mobiles exported to foreign countries were button phones or smartphones. Nor was it explained to which countries they were sent. However, it was also reported that 56 percent of mobile phones manufactured in the country are currently running on Pakistani mobile networks.

Locally Manufactured Mobile Phones

It is also worth mentioning here that in December 2022, the government said that Pakistan exported 120,000 locally manufactured mobile phones within a year. Last year, locally produced mobile phones were sent to different countries in Africa. The exported mobile phones were manufactured by the Pakistani company Anu V Telecom under the United Arab Emirates (UAE) brand “Sego”.

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