Children & Teenagers are Affected by Conjunctivitis in Karachi

Children and teenagers are Affected by Conjunctivitis in Karachi

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It has been revealed that children and young people are more affected by the viral eye infection conjunctivitis spreading in Karachi, the capital of Sindh province. The eye disease conjunctivitis has been spreading rapidly in Karachi for the last 10 days, dozens of patients are coming daily from government hospitals to private hospitals. Most of the children and young people are affected by conjunctivitis. According to Professor Nisar Ahmed Sial, head of the Department of Ophthalmology at Dow University Hospital Ojha Campus, most of the children and young people are affected by conjunctivitis.

People are Affected by Conjunctivitis

Expressing concern, he said that despite the passage of more than a week, the number of patients coming to the hospital is still almost the same as before. According to experts, conjunctivitis is increasing in the city due to environmental pollution, bad air, lack of hand hygiene, and other similar reasons.

Viral and Bacterial conjunctivitis

Dr. Sharif Hashmani of a private hospital said that both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are spreading rapidly in Karachi, due to which the eyes of the affected people turn red or pink while they also have severe discharge in addition to swelling around the eyes.

Department of Diseases

Dr. Aziz Arain, in charge of the Department of Diseases at Jinnah Hospital, linked conjunctivitis to bad air pollution in the city and said that the weather in the city has been very bad for the past few weeks, due to which the virus is spreading. According to him, this year so far this year. It has not rained in the city, due to which air pollution is spreading and viruses always spread in such weather, infections and viruses do not spread in harsh summers or winters. There will be a shortage.

Inflammations of the Conjunctiva are Common

Inflammations of the conjunctiva are common and cause the eyes to become pink, red, and itchy. After the conjunctivitis outbreak, experts have warned that people suffering from the virus should not try to reduce eye pain through tips and other methods and take special care of cleanliness. Experts recommend that everyone clean their eyes with a clean cloth or tissue paper and use a new tissue every time to avoid eye viruses.

Patients Recover

According to experts, in the cases reported so far, the patients recover within 10 to 15 days and do not need to be given so much medicine and so far, no serious damage has been reported from the spreading virus.

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