Saudi Arabia and the United States should consider a mutual defense agreement"

Saudi Arabia and the United States should consider a mutual defense agreement"

Saudi Arabia and the United States are conducting complex
negotiations about defense

The American newspaper 'New York Times' has claimed that US and Saudi officials are discussing the terms of a mutual defense agreement that is similar to US military agreements with allies such as Japan and South Korea.

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U.S. officials

According to the report of Dawn newspaper, under the agreement, both sides will commit to providing military support in case of an attack on any of the two countries in the region or on Saudi soil. According to the report of the New York Times, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is also asking the Biden administration to help Saudi Arabia develop a civilian nuclear program, which some U.S. officials fear could pave the way for a nuclear weapons program to counter Iran.

U.S. deals with other Allies

Any deal with Saudi Arabia that resembles U.S. deals with other allies is sure to be strongly opposed by Congress because some lawmakers, including leading Democrats, view the Saudi government as an unreliable partner. There is little concern for American interests or human rights. The deal will also raise questions about whether President Joe Biden is engaging the U.S. more militarily in the Middle East and whether it will lead his administration to shift U.S. military resources and warfighting capabilities away from the region and toward China. will be against the stated goal.

United Nations General Assembly

The talks between the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have mainly revolved around the demands of Mohammed bin Salman, and this issue is likely to be discussed today when Joe Biden meets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. During his speech at the United Nations General Assembly last day, the US President mentioned the benefits to the countries that normalize relations with Israel.

Japan and South Korea

The U.S. military has bases and troops in both Japan and South Korea, but U.S. officials say there are currently no serious discussions about deploying a large contingent to Saudi Arabia under any new defense deal. Separate U.S. defense treaties with Japan and South Korea were negotiated after devastating wars in the mid-20th century as the Cold War intensified, and the U.S. sought to counter the Soviet Union's global presence. Therefore, he was forced to establish a worldwide alliance. According to a letter sent to Congress by the White House in June of this year, there are only 2,700 American soldiers of the Pentagon in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi-Israeli deal

The US president's push for a Saudi-Israeli deal is something that would have been hard to imagine just a short while ago, as he vowed to isolate Saudi Arabia during his 2020 presidential campaign. Said that a diplomatic agreement would be an important sign of reducing Arab-Israeli tensions and could be of geopolitical importance for the United States. They say that by bringing Saudi Arabia closer to the US, it can be pulled away from China and thwart China's efforts to expand its influence in the Middle East.

Secretary of State Anthony Blanken

Last week, Secretary of State Anthony Blanken said that normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel would be a turning point for the Middle East and other countries, but that bringing the parties together on an agreement was a difficult task and no agreement was reached. It is not certain to go.

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