Suman Ansari said that on the Occasion of the second Marriage, my son handed me over to My Second Husband

Suman Ansari said that on the Occasion of the second Marriage, my son handed me over to My Second Husband

 Suman Ansari recently appeared in Fuchsia magazine

Speaking about her second marriage, actress Suman Ansari, who had a distinctive part in the films Fairy Tale and Badshah Begum, stated that during the wedding ceremony, her son gave her to her husband and assisted her in all the wedding customs.

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Fuchsia magazine

After graduating from high school in Pakistan, actress Suman Ansari came to America for higher study and was married there. She was involved with PTV in the 1990s and spent a lot of time working on FM radio. The actress recently appeared in Fuchsia magazine, where she spoke candidly about her personal and professional lives.

1st Husband's family does not Support the Media

She said that because her first husband's family would not support the media, she began designing clothing in America before training as a make-up artist and beginning her career as an event coordinator for weddings.

Confronted with Difficult Questions

According to Suman Ansari, his first marriage was having trouble at the time, and he was forced to call it quits. He then moved from America to Dubai. The actress said that she delayed her return to Pakistan following the split in order to avoid being confronted with difficult questions. Why did it take place? How did it take place? In a marriage, I would have put up with these inquiries, but I could not put my parents through this. I consequently moved to Dubai for a while.

Pakistan from Dubai

She claims that after a divorce, it is common to feel devastated and despondent since your inner turmoil about the breakup has not yet surfaced. The actress claimed that if I hadn't experienced this after the divorce, I may have been irate and perhaps laid the blame for my failure on the entire world. said that following her return to Pakistan from Dubai, she began acting before being married a second time.

Nadia Afgan shared Photos of herself with me on social media

Suman Ansari said that actress Nadia Afgan shared photos of herself with me on social media when I was engaged in filming the drama serial Simi. After Nadia Afgan's friend saw my image and suggested we meet, I initially declined since I wasn't interested in a second marriage, but Nadia Afgan's friend persisted and encouraged me to wait for five to six months. They insisted on meeting repeatedly.

Suman Ansari has recently worked in the drama Fairy Tale in which she 
is playing the role of Ngo Ji.

Coffee Shop in the UK

In a coffee shop in the UK, according to Suman Ansari, she first met her second husband, who later proposed to her. Suman Ansari stated, "During my second wedding ceremony, my son accompanied me to the stage and tenderly placed my hand in my husband's. According to the actress, if a relationship isn't working well, the only option is to end it. After a divorce, everything improves; there is some suffering, but eventually, life goes back to normal.

Safeguard Themselves

Suman Ansari advised women to leave abusive and violent husbands as soon as possible if they only have one partner in order to safeguard themselves and their money. Even if you are wearing rubber slippers, leave everything behind and keep moving forward. You tie chains on your own feet, she said. I don't mean don't fix your problems, but when your problems are not solved, leave the relationship. Don’t give up Don't damage yourself.

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