A Pair of Chopsticks Within the Man's Skull Source of Headache

   A scan of a man's head revealed a pair of chopsticks lodged inside his skull in Vietnam.

A Pair of Chopsticks Within the Man's Skull Source of Headache:

A Pair of Chopsticks Within the Man's Skull was the source of his headaches for the previous five months, shocking him. The man remembered an altercation he had months previously while out drinking. A guy in Vietnam made a startling discovery after realizing that a pair of chopsticks was the cause of his excruciating headache.  Doctors at Cuba Friendship Hospital in Dong Hoi informed the 35-year-old man that he had a pair of chopsticks trapped within his skull after he complained of for five months, the New York Post claims.

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Neurological Disorder:

When the guy arrived at the hospital on November 25, a CT scan indicated that the two chopsticks that were said to have gone up his nose and into his brain were the source of a rare, possibly fatal neurological disorder.

Shocked To Find Chopsticks in Skull:

According to The Post, the man was first shocked to find chopsticks within his skull, but he quickly recalled a brawl he had five months earlier while out drinking. The guy admitted to the physicians that while he had trouble remembering specifics of the altercation, he could remember someone stabbing him in the face with an unidentified item.

Chopsticks were Successfully Removed by the Doctors:

After the chopsticks were successfully removed by the doctors, the patient's condition was reported to be stable and they were waiting to be discharged from the hospital. "Upon checking into the hospital on Nov. 25. A CT scan showed that the guy had a rare neurological disorder that might be fatal and that it was brought on by the pair of chopsticks that had purportedly gone up his nose and into his brain." 

Doctors were able to successfully remove the chopsticks.

Pair of Chopsticks:

When the man arrived at the hospital on November 25, a CT scan indicated that he had a rare neurological disorder that might be fatal, brought on by a pair of chopsticks that allegedly pierced his nose and It was gone in the mind."

Life-threatening Neurological Condition:

Yes, I believe "a rare, potentially life-threatening neurological condition" is a thing and what the patient said anything can happen nowadays nothing is impossible I'm reminded of the scene in John Wick 5 here but if any name is known in medical terms, please guide me. which sticks to the nose and enters the brain. Does it have a name in medicine, I wonder? Furthermore, even if the chopsticks are visible on the CT image, it is still "allegedly" that they went into his nose and brain. However, if any name of it is known in medical terms, then guide.

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